Sunday, January 27, 2013

Real Culprit in rape cases

Who is the real culprit in increasing rape cases across India?

I just came back from hectic official trip of Chennai and Pondicherry. On the airport, happened to meet four gentlemenWe all had ample time as Air India flights are always delayed. I asked if Air India has any another flight for me, answer given was flight is only 1 hours and 15 minutes delayed. Anyways, these four people, one is from Mumbai, second is from Rajasthan and other two others from Kerala. They all work in Mumbai for multinational companies. Over coffee, we happened to discuss the recent forgetable Delhi rape incident. For confidential purposes, not disclosing names and companies of our four friends.

Here is the summary of conversation:

1. Strangely all were of the opinion that girl was at fault too. She should not have stepped out during late hours in country like India irrespective of a particular city.

2. Indian society is backward and still girls are not given equal status. They acknowledged education, old mind set and unequal money distribution playing major roles.

3. All agreed that women are not safe in any part of India. Though they felt Mumbai is better despite most corrupt police system in the country. They ranked Bangalore as best city to live in India.

4. Rapists according of them have done extremely bad act and should be hanged till death. Congress government which has been ruling India majorly in last 60 years is also main culprit for such divided society.

5. Laws are present in India but police is only interested in money and not protecting such laws.

Overall, group felt that girl, law and order, Congress government and lastly rapists were main culprits in Delhi incident.

Personal View:

I do not agree to few statements. Girl was not at fault at all, everyone has right to roam freely. We need laws that do not accept such incidences at all, rapists should be hanged till death and most importantly implementation of them. We as society need to rise, codemn people since beginning and not let such shameful events happen in India.

Sunday, January 27, 2013 by Saumya Aggarwal · 1

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Online porn viewers : Beware

This post is promopted by an incident happened to a friend in UK who was watching porn online and contracted a nasty virus. Ransonware is the name given by online community to this new age virus. The malware often announces itself in a pop-up and (wrongly) informs a computer user that their machine has been commandeered by law enforcement for illegal activity. It will not be unlocked, the message says, until a fine is paid. Carriers are often porn sites, so victims are easily conned into believing the message is real. Whether or not the victim recognizes this for the scam that it is, their computer is unquestionably unusable until the virus is removed.
Ransomware was first seen in Russia and Russian-speaking countries in 2009, according to the Symantec whitepaper "Ransomware: A Growing Menace." The first known instance of the tactic came in a pop-up that claimed to be a message from Microsoft. It alerted the user that the computer had to be activated by the company before use by obtaining a code via an SMS message. That message was then sent to a premium rate number that charged the victim. Since then they improved the charging mechanism and recover cost was upwards of Indian Rupees 25000 (US$500).
This resutls in share and fear for the user. In its current form, the malware generates a pop-up that purports to be from law enforcement and demands that the user pay a fine for illegal activity (most often an alleged viewing or distributing of illegal pornography) conducted on the computer.

Ongoing Loop

Even when the price is paid, the scammers will not restore the victim's computer. Symantec notes that much ransomware does not even contain the code to uninstall itself. Forums are filled with stories of people who have paid the requested price and are still left with the virus.

On a Yoo Security forum, a commenter named Kevin writes, "I'm concerned. My laptop has been blocked with this FBI message since Tuesday evening. It won't let me in unless I pay $400.00 via moneypak. I paid the $400.00 yesterday morning and the computer is still locked. Question? did my $400 actually goes somewhere, and how do I unlock this laptop." 

A YouTube video on how to remove the virus has a comment from Patriot2572, a victim twice over: "I paid the $300 and now it is requesting $600 after it was 'rejected' but i called moneypak and they said it the money was picked up by someone in Romania..I sent the $600 now it is pending...."

Please do not give up on such malware practices online.

Sunday, January 20, 2013 by Saumya Aggarwal · 1

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